Noawood Cladding

is a Malaysian Meranti that has undergone thermal treatment.
The timber is class 2 in durability and stability.

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is a Malaysian Meranti that has undergone thermal treatment.
The timber is class 2 in durability and stability.

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Thermal modification

Meranti has been used in Europe for over 50 years and is renowned for its durability and stability in joineries. Thanks to our thermal treatment, meranti can now be specified for cladding as well.
Noawood’s thermal modification subjects premium kiln-dried Meranti to temperatures above 170°C and pressure between 6-9 bar. The entire process takes up to 30 hours and after completion, the final moisture content is around 4-6%, resulting in enhanced dimensional stability and a lighter weight, making it ideal for cladding.
Changes to the cell wall structures of the wood increase the durability to class 2, and with a density of 420 kg/m³, it is equivalent to Western Red Cedar.
Noawood cladding is not only weather and rot resistant, it also has the advantage of availability in longer lengths (up to 5 metres) and is free of defects.

Thermal modification

Meranti has been used in Europe for over 50 years and is renowned for its durability and stability in joineries. Thanks to our thermal treatment, meranti can now be specified for cladding as well.

Noawood’s thermal modification subjects premium kiln-dried Meranti to temperatures above 170°C and pressure between 6-9 bar. The entire process takes up to 30 hours and after completion, the final moisture content is around 4-6%, resulting in enhanced dimensional stability and a lighter weight, making it ideal for cladding.

Changes to the cell wall structures of the wood increase the durability to class 2, and with a density of 420 kg/m³, it is equivalent to Western Red Cedar.

Noawood cladding is not only weather and rot resistant, it also has the advantage of availability in longer lengths (up to 5 metres) and is free of defects.

Durability classes of different wood species

Timber in durability class 2 is suitable for exterior applications above ground without the need for further treatment.